Monday, May 26, 2008


This weekend, I was thinking of all kinds of things Carter and I could do together today.

Swimming, playing soccer, riding bikes... Even Lagoon was a possibility.

Well, as you may all have experienced, today was cold and rainy. So, what did we do, you ask? We went bowling! It was Carter's first time and he loved it!

Carter's average speed was about 1.8 miles per hour!

1st Game - I barely beat Carter! He is pretty good!

Carter would do this move and hold it while he waited for the ball to make it down the lane. People were laughing and clapping. He provided much entertainment for the nearby bowlers!

Carter enjoying some deliciously greasy bowling alley food!

Game 2 - I showed some improvement! Hey, I got a strike!


Anonymous said...

Crazy! We went bowling too! I hope you didn't try calling... Lagoon was a definate no! Your second score is better than anything I've done...with bumpers!

Anonymous said...

Dude! What are we gonna do for your birthday! Later!