Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's been a while... Update

Well, what can I say? Life has got the best of me and I have not been diligent in my blogging (although I have done much better than Andrea and Amee - really guys, why don't you get it together?).

The latest and greatest...

I have started working full-time which seems to be going quite well. Of course, I'd much rather be home riding bikes, playing soccer and basking in the sun with Carter. Oh, wait, it's been like 30 degrees outside so it's not like I could've done those things even if I wanted to.

Carter is finally going pee and poop (apologies to the faint at heart)completely on his own. He doesn't even need reminders. This is extremely exciting.

That's it. This is our life!

1 comment:

Darcie said...

That picture is darling. Carly, you are beautiful.